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Martial Arts

2 min read

The second in our "Ask Me Anything"(AMA) style episodes with Datsusara founder Chris Odell and co-host Benjamin Charles. Chris answers the questions below that were submitted via social media and talks about winter challenges.

  1. I always hear about how hemp can generate much more paper than trees, but see very little signs of people trying to make it. why? Can you walk us through the difference between myth and reality regarding all the claims made in The Emperor Wears No Clothes?
  2. Does datsusara get hemp from Canada, or now that recreational marijuana is legal in Oregon, are you able to supply your hemp more locally? Do you have to process the hemp yourself?
  3. How does your business mentality influence the products you create?
  4. What future products do you have planned?
  5. Hi Chris, wondering about those long sleeve t styled hemp training shirts you spoke about on Mat Therapy? Are those available?
  6. Wanna chat about some of your favorites in the Datsusara Wall of Heroes? What you like about them, etc.?
  7. Do you have some great stories from behind the scenes at EBI? What's interesting and/or surprising? How have they evolved? Who should Rogan face in a superfight? Are you surprised by how it's become one of the standards of competition grappling?
  8. Why are Datsusara gis so great? Some elements of kimono design and construction are obvious, but others aren't. What would you look for or watch out for in a gi, that the avg. player doesn't usually consider?
    Have DSgear users had any adventures using it?
  9. What's your vision for Datsusara 5 or 10 years out?
  10. ETA (or progress) on the a BIG bag? 
  11. It's excellent that you're tracking down the actual sources just referenced by other hemp info dumps. Could you explain your motivation and why you think it's important? Note: We didn't cover this well, but plan to on the next AMA, it's a very good question.
  12. I have to deal with numerous vendors for my HEMA club. They're relatively small companies that cater for, what's now, a niche market -- but only a few of them have customer service even close to the Datsusara standard. What do you think sets you apart?
  13. Why do you hate leglocks?
  14. I'd like to learn about tea, from your perspective


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Twitter: @DatsuChris
Facebook: Chris Datsusara Odell

Intro and outro music by Twenty Shades of Red with excerpts from a speech by Alan Watts  (Do You Do It, or Does It Do You).

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