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Martial Arts

Bruce Lee

3 min read 5 Comments

Today we have another excellent guest post by our friend Daniele Bolelli. He presents us with his take on our featured Datsusara Hero, Bruce Lee and how his philosophy relates to the Datsusara way.

-Chris Odell
Datsusara, President


“That’s the thing I’ve always admired most about my father. It takes courage to walk the path alone, and to have belief in your own journey.” These words come from the mouth of Shannon Lee. And in case it’s not clear enough already, her father was the one and only Bruce Lee.
Mention “Bruce Lee” and people immediately think of this hyper-athletic Chinese guy, who single-handedly revolutionized the martial arts movie genre and became one of the greatest pop stars of the 20th century. But—as Shannon’s words indicate—what made Bruce Lee truly unique is something that’s beyond his being a successful actor and the most famous martial artist of all times. Bruce Lee was an individual. This may not sound like much, but it actually trumps any other accomplishment. In a world of people too scared to take responsibility for their own lives—people who much prefer following rather than creating—being an individual is the most radical action possible. It means venturing out of all the maps to forge one’s path in uncharted territory. It means having the guts to abandon the comforts of dogma and find out for oneself.
In Pete McCormack’s documentary I Am Bruce Lee, I refer to Lee as “a middle finger raised against dogma” because that’s exactly what his entire career represents. At a time, when the overwhelming majority of martial arts schools argued with each other along sectarian lines—much in the same way as organized religions have done throughout history—Lee emerged challenging that they were all equally deluded. In their devotion to martial arts “styles”, most students ended up trading their individuality for the sake of fitting into the strict confines of a given style. As Lee put it: “Unfortunately, most students in the martial arts are conformists. Instead of learning to depend on themselves for expression, they blindly follow their instructors, no longer feeling alone, and finding security in mass imitation. The product of this imitation is a dependent mind. Independent inquiry, which is essential to genuine understanding, is sacrificed.”
Styles—according to Lee—limit the tools available to martial artists and restrict their freedom. Styles, with all their traditions, rigid rules and methodologies, are ideological prisons where innovation and experimentation are not welcome.
But as Lee countered “Art lives where absolute freedom is, because where it is not, there can be no creativity.” And “Man, the living, creating individual, is always more important than any established style.”
What Lee suggested instead was a process of constant personal research. Rather than entrusting oneself to prepackaged conclusions, Lee openly advocated for the necessity to create one’s own path. Every individual is unique—he reasoned—Therefore it is suicidal to follow another person’s method and path. His approach was as simple as it was effective:
1. Research your own experience.
2. Absorb what is useful.
3. Reject what is useless.
4. Add what is specifically your own
In these words, Lee distilled an incredible dose of bravery and intellectual honesty to be applied to the martial arts, to knowledge in general, and to life itself.
Everyone remembers Bruce Lee for his martial abilities, but martial arts were but the icing on the cake. Lee could have been a rock star, a religious prophet or a comedian, and the result would have been the same. Martial arts simply offered a physical outlet to embody his inner fire. His true essence is bigger than martial arts. It is made of an intensity able to move mountains and a radical refusal to let anything or anybody stand in the way of creating his own path.
-Daniele Bolelli
Daniele is a professor, writer and martial artist. He has written some great books that I suggest you read such as On The Warriors Path and 50 Things You're Not Supposed To Know: Religion. He also has a podcast called The Drunken Taoist that we sponsor, and he's just an awesome human being that you should know.

5 Responses

Blitz Rocko
Blitz Rocko

September 15, 2013

If I can remember correctly from the Tao of Gung Fu written by Bruce Lee “If you look at a tree & concentrate on one leaf you will see only one leaf,but if you look at the center of the tree & concentrate on the whole tree you will see every leaf on it”. Correct me if I’m wrong look it up.

Rawb Prime
Rawb Prime

June 25, 2013

Great article!


May 31, 2013

Awesome words about an awesome human being by an awesome taoist. Thats that awesome possum shit!


May 06, 2013

Great article! The oceans of my mind have been stirred by by Bolelli. I wish more people appreciated Bruce Lee as a hero of Humanity.

Dario Avalos
Dario Avalos

May 04, 2013

Power Bolelli taking time to talk about a great man.

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